Hello, I am pleased to be the new editor of our AFTA quarterly newsletter, The Temperate Agroforester. I want to thank Miles Merwin for all the tremendous work he has done in the past to keep the newsletter going.
This quarterly newsletter seeks to show off the current research, practical applications, and other perhaps longer items of interest in temperate agroforestry. We also accept books reviews, so get reading. As you know we also have the monthly online Agroforestry Newsline that features information such as upcoming conferences, new publications and short pierces of general interest. Please send me items of interest. I look forward to working with you. My email address is afta_editor[at]aftaweb.org (replace the [at] with @ in your email program).
In this issue we highlight two articles related to riparian buffers. Gary Rapp provides some practical advice on establishing buffers to mimic natural systems. Mile Merwin discusses the innovative water quality trading programs as applied to riparian buffers. Finally, Rachel McCoy looks at the re-introduction of chestnut to the marketplace.
By Mike Jacobson, Penn State School of Forest Resources